This Week’s Blog by Eric J. Broder
Is a Person Allowed to Date While Going through a Divorce?
Yes. There is no restriction against dating. In fact, it can often relieve the daily stress of the divorce process. However, as explained below, there are some important things to keep in mind if you decide to date while going through your divorce.
Can I buy Gifts for My Girlfriend/Boyfriend during my Divorce?
If a party purchases gifts for a girlfriend or boyfriend during the divorce process in the state of Connecticut, the Court could consider the expenditure(s) a dissipation of marital assets and allow the other party to receive a credit for such expenditure(s) at the time of dissolution.
Can I Introduce My Girlfriend/Boyfriend to my Children During the Divorce?
While there is no absolute restriction in Connecticut against doing so, it is highly advisable that a party does not take this step unless and until there is consent from the other party and/or it is done with the assistance of a therapist. Sharing this information with a 5-year-old is obviously different than sharing it with a 10-year-old or even a 15-year-old. Accordingly, we strongly suggest that you receive the proper advice before introducing your girlfriend/boyfriend to your children during a divorce.
Can I Remarry After my Divorce? If so, how soon Thereafter?
Yes, this is actually a more common question than people realize. You may do so the next day.
Should I Wait to Date Until my Divorce is Final?
This is entirely an individual question and one must determine if he/she is emotionally ready. One reason to avoid dating is because if your spouse finds out, it may cause jealousy. This jealousy may manifest itself in a more aggressive and litigious approach, which may make it more difficult in trying to reach a resolution.
Do I Want my Spouse to Date During the Divorce?
The answer is often yes. Many clients have said that the best thing that happened during the divorce was that their spouse started dating, because it kept him/her more grounded and calm throughout the process.
At Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC we often discuss the pros and cons and the possible outcomes and issues that a party, and more importantly, his/her child(ren) may face as a result of dating during the divorce process.