This Week's Blog by Carole T. Orland The complexity of your case is a cost factor but the size of the marital estate may not be a major factor. Cost may depend on opposing counsel. Retainers and hourly rates aren’t always indicators of projected costs. You can...
Divorce News
What is Parental Alienation?
This Week's Blog by Jaime S. Dursht “Parental alienation is the process, and the result, of psychological manipulation of a child into showing unwarranted fear, disrespect or hostility towards a parent and/or other family members. It is a distinctive form of...
Annulment vs. Divorce
Annulment is a frequently misunderstood legal concept. In contrast to a divorce, which ends a valid marriage, an annulment is a decree declaring that a valid marriage never existed Similar to most jurisdictions, annulments are available in Connecticut only in certain...
Are Communications With My Therapist or Marriage Counselor Admissible in Court?
There are statutes in Connecticut that protect communications between individuals and certain treatment providers
The Connecticut Divorce and Children With Special Needs
This Week's Blog by Eric J. Broder In Connecticut, the divorce rate is higher for marriages involving children with special needs Custody and Parenting Plans in a case where families have children with special needs often differ from more “typical” divorce cases...
Post-Divorce Housekeeping
This Week's Blog by Carole T. Orland Post-divorce housekeeping items require your immediate attention Attend to provisions relating to your Parenting Plan and financial distribution Utilize your attorney, accountant, counselor and other professionals to effectuate...
How Does My Divorce Impact My Last Will and Testament?
This Week's Blog by Jaime S. Dursht A divorce has the legal effect of invalidating a Will in its entirety if it was executed prior to January 1, 1977 If the Will was executed after January 1, 1977, only those provisions affecting an ex-spouse are invalidated and the...
Fault versus Cause of the Breakdown of Marriage Factor
This Week's Blog by Christopher J. DeMattie Since 1973 Connecticut has been a “No-Fault” divorce state. Despite being a “No-Fault” divorce state, the Court must at least consider “the causes for the annulment, dissolution of the marriage, or legal separation.” The...
Can You Enforce A Foreign Divorce Judgment in Connecticut?
Divorce Attorneys in Connecticut may be asked to enforce a “foreign divorce.” In Connecticut, the term “foreign divorce” means a divorce that took place in another state or country. If you move to Connecticut after getting divorced in another state, you can enforce...
Should I Depose My Spouse in Our Divorce Action?
This Week's Blog by Carole T. Orland In all divorces cases in Connecticut a party has the right to depose his or her spouse pursuant to C.G.S.Sections 52-148a-152 and Connecticut Practice Book Sections 13-26. 13-331. A Deposition is a proceeding whereby the deponent...
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