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Property Division News

What Counts as Marital Property?

A key issue in every divorce is determining how to divide marital property. Connecticut has a broad definition of what counts as marital property that encompasses just about everything a couple owns together or separately. That property is subject to equitable...

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Maintaining the Finances and Custody During a Divorce

Perhaps one of the most stressful times during a divorce is the time between filing for divorce and when the divorce is actually finalized. A lot divorcing couples find this intermediate period stressful due to the level of uncertainty that comes with it. You may be...

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When Cheating Counts in a Connecticut Divorce

This week's blog by Westport divorce lawyer Jaime S. Dursht WHEN CHEATING COUNTS IN A CONNECTICUT DIVORCE There is a widely held perception that because Connecticut is a no-fault divorce State, that cheating or adultery or whatever term is used to describe marital...

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The Connecticut Divorce: What is Family Relations?

This Week's Blog by Christopher J. DeMattie Family Relations offers a wide variety of services to help resolve parenting, custody, and financial disputes in divorce and post-judgment actions. Depending on the service recommended, you can expect to meet with a Family...

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Does Connecticut Recognize “Separate Property?”

One of the most common inquiries that we receive from potential clients in Greenwich, Westport and other towns throughout Fairfield County, is whether or not, upon divorce, their spouse will be entitled to share in certain assets that he or she may perceive to be...

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The Discovery Process

Have you ever wondered how exactly your spouse is paid, or what his or her sole credit card or bank statements would show if you had the chance to view them? The discovery process in a dissolution proceeding has the ability to bring light to many of these common questions. The discovery process begins shortly after the return date has occurred and generally involves gathering documents and information.

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