Westport Retirement Benefits Lawyer
Retirement benefits constitute a significant asset for many married couples, particularly for executives, corporate officers and other high earners. Upon divorce, these benefits will be considered to be part of the marital estate and will be subject to equitable division. If you have significant marital assets, including retirement benefits, it is imperative that you have a lawyer on your side who fully understands how to protect your interests.
At Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC, our Westport and Greenwich family attorneys regularly represent high income and high net worth individuals in divorce. Accordingly, we understand the various issues involved when one or both spouses have accumulated significant retirement assets. For instance, while these benefits may not have a significant value in the present day, these assets can dramatically increase in value in the future. Further, some portion of deferred assets may not be fully vested in the present, but may be vested in the future.
Our lawyers recognize these issues and are prepared to counsel you as to the various implications of each course of action. We are skilled at handling complex property distribution matters involving the division of 401(k)s, pension plans and other retirement accounts. We engage in careful planning and take a detailed approach in order to achieve the desired outcome.
Considering the complexity involved in accurately evaluating and dividing these assets, our law firm works closely with qualified experts to establish the value of retirement benefits and other employee benefits. In many instances, a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) can equitably divide these assets without incurring substantial tax penalties. At Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC, our lawyers craft customized, innovative solutions geared toward achieving our clients’ goals.
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Call 203-222-4949 or complete our contact form to schedule an appointment.
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