In Connecticut, the amount of a non-custodial parent’s child support obligation to a custodial parent is directly tied to the respective incomes of both parents. Essentially, pursuant to the Connecticut Child Support Guidelines, parents’ respective incomes are plugged...
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Alimony News
Am I Entitled to be Compensated for Assets Dissipated by my Spouse?
This Week's Blog by Christopher J. DeMattie When a divorce action is instituted in Connecticut, whether you reside in Greenwich, Westport, or any other municipality in this State, the Automatic Orders go into effect, which provide certain protections to your family’s...
Should I Waive My Right to Alimony?
When you are divorced in Connecticut, the Court may make an award of alimony--the payment of money from one spouse to the other (sometimes also referred to as “spousal support” or “maintenance”). Alimony is based on the presumption that spouses have a continuing duty...
Dan v. Dan: Modification of Alimony in Connecticut Divorce Cases
This Week's Blog by Eric J. Broder The following is a discussion and summary of a seminal case when dealing with the modification of alimony in the state of Connecticut. Dan v Dan, 315 Conn. 1 (2014) has created quite a stir in the Connecticut divorce bar. It is an...
Alimony in a Divorce Action: What Factors Does a Court Consider in Entering an Order During the Pendency of an Action and as a Final Order?
Many clients come into our office from the towns of Fairfield County wondering whether they will be obligated to pay alimony to their spouse, or whether they will be receiving alimony from their spouse during the pendency of a divorce action, and/or upon the Court...
Unallocated Alimony and Child Support
Any parent contemplating divorce understandably wishes to know whether and to what extent he or she will be entitled to receive, or obligated to pay, child support and/or alimony. However, many potential clients we speak to are unfamiliar with a third type of support...
Under Connecticut Divorce Law, Can you modify an Alimony Order that has already been modified?
This exact issue was a subject of a well-known case entitled Borkowski v. Borkowski, 228 Conn. 729 (1994). Recently, I spoke at the Connecticut State Bar Association’s Annual Conference and Borkowski was amongst the cases I presented. The following explanation...
What happens to alimony if the alimony recipient lives with a significant other after the divorce? This is one the more common questions we at Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie, LLC hear from our clients, as cohabitation after divorce is becoming more common in...
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