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Why Taking Divorce Advice From Friends Can Be Dangerous

Scared. Lonely. Angry. Sad. Vulnerable. Just a few of the emotions that you may feel when you are going through a divorce. It is no wonder that our clients often look to friends and family, especially those who have also been divorced, to provide comfort and support...

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What Provisions Should Be Included in a Parenting Plan?

This Week's Blog by Nicole M. DiGiose. What is a Parenting Plan? A Parenting Plan is a document, usually in the form of an agreement, that addresses child-related issues, such as legal custody and a parental access schedule. In the absence of an agreed-upon Parenting...

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Connecticut Divorce Differences

This Week's Blog by Jaime S. Dursht.   Is Property Division in a Connecticut Divorce Different from Other States? It is commonly assumed by people who are contemplating divorce that particular types of assets will be considered separate and will not included in...

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Testifying in a Connecticut Divorce

This Week's Blog by Christopher J. DeMattie. Do I have to testify during my Connecticut Divorce? A divorce action is a civil lawsuit, so any time evidence is required to resolve a disputed issued testimony of witness is likely required.  Typically, the witnesses in a...

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What is mediation? Mediation is a process where you and your spouse jointly hire a neutral third person (a mediator) to help settle the terms of your divorce. Your agreement is then memorialized by the mediator. One of the major benefits of mediation is that you and...

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What is Short Calendar?

This Week's Blog by Nicole M. DiGiose.   The Short Calendar is a mechanism for pending motions to be heard.  Once a motion has been filed in a case, it will appear on the Short Calendar.  Short Calendar occurs on a specific day each week, which will depend on the...

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