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Other Expenses Covered by Child Support Payments
The rules regarding child support payments can seem complex. In Connecticut, child support orders do not cover every single expense associated with raising a child. However, support orders will establish a parent’s child support responsibilities, as well as each parent’s share of unreimbursed medical expenses.
At Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC, we can examine your circumstances and give you a frank assessment of your case. We will put together a well-planned strategy in order to obtain the child support you need and deserve.
What Expenses Are Covered By Child Support Orders?
Typically, the payment of certain expenses, such as extracurricular activities, must be negotiated as part of a child support agreement. Payment of these expenses can be a source of disagreement between parents.
At Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC, our Westport and Greenwich-based law firm represents parents facing these and other complex issues. We have extensive experience representing a broad range of individuals facing these issues, including high income and high net worth individuals.
While unreimbursed medical expenses are not included in child support payments, each parent’s share of unreimbursed medical expenses is established in the child support order. Our lawyers are ready to help you negotiate a favorable result.
Skilled In Litigation, Negotiation, And Mediation
Ideally, parents can forge a consensus as to each parent’s share of these expenses. Of course, in the event parents are unable to reach an agreement, the courts can intervene. At Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC, our attorneys have successfully served clients in litigation, mediation, and other forums. Our overarching objective will be to seek a resolution that protects your interests now and in the future.
Contact Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC
Call 203-222-4949 or complete our online contact form to schedule a consultation.
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