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Imputing Income for Child Support Purposes

How is Child Support Generally Determined in Connecticut? In Connecticut, the amount of a non-custodial parent’s child support obligation to a custodial parent is directly tied to the respective incomes of both parents. Pursuant to the Connecticut Child Support...

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Can You Enforce A Foreign Divorce Judgment in Connecticut?

Divorce Attorneys in Connecticut may be asked to enforce a “foreign divorce.” In Connecticut, the term “foreign divorce” means a divorce that took place in another state or country. If you move to Connecticut after getting divorced in another state, you can enforce...

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Imputing Income for Child Support Purposes

In Connecticut, the amount of a non-custodial parent’s child support obligation to a custodial parent is directly tied to the respective incomes of both parents. Essentially, pursuant to the Connecticut Child Support Guidelines, parents’ respective incomes are plugged...

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Unallocated Alimony and Child Support

Any parent contemplating divorce understandably wishes to know whether and to what extent he or she will be entitled to receive, or obligated to pay, child support and/or alimony.  However, many potential clients we speak to are unfamiliar with a third type of support...

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The Discovery Process

Have you ever wondered how exactly your spouse is paid, or what his or her sole credit card or bank statements would show if you had the chance to view them? The discovery process in a dissolution proceeding has the ability to bring light to many of these common questions. The discovery process begins shortly after the return date has occurred and generally involves gathering documents and information.

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Can I get divorced in Connecticut?

Our office frequently receives inquiries from potential clients who, because of their particular set of circumstances, are uncertain as to whether Connecticut is the appropriate jurisdiction to handle their divorce from a spouse.

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Mediation is a process whereby parties who are looking to resolve their divorce or post judgment issues meet with a neutral third party (the Mediator) in an effort to settle the case. The parties' agreement is then memorialized by the Mediator. In Mediation, the...

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A Connecticut divorce attorney is often asked "What are the most important dates in a divorce case? Is it the date I file for divorce, the return date, the case management date, the uncontested date- what does it all mean?" This article is a general guide to...

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