Pink Aid's mission is to help underserved local women survive breast cancer treatment with support and dignity, to provide screening to women in financial need, and to empower breast cancer survivors to heal by helping and inspiring others. October 5th marked the 7th...
Sean Callanan News
Eric J. Broder honored as NAFLA Featured Attorney, October 2017
The National Academy of Family Law Attorneys (NAFLA) "is an organization devoted to recognizing the top family law attorneys in the nation." Each week, NAFLA showcases several carefully selected attorneys from across the country in order to celebrate their hard work...
Alimony in a Divorce Action: What Factors Does a Court Consider in Entering an Order During the Pendency of an Action and as a Final Order?
Many clients come into our office from the towns of Fairfield County wondering whether they will be obligated to pay alimony to their spouse, or whether they will be receiving alimony from their spouse during the pendency of a divorce action, and/or upon the Court...
Substance Abuse and Parenting During a Divorce
Substance abuse can create issues for many families and can play a significant role in a large number of divorce cases, especially those where there are minor children. At Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC we have experience in handling divorce cases involving this...
Unallocated Alimony and Child Support
Any parent contemplating divorce understandably wishes to know whether and to what extent he or she will be entitled to receive, or obligated to pay, child support and/or alimony. However, many potential clients we speak to are unfamiliar with a third type of support...
Latest Issue of the Connecticut Bar Journal Published, September 2017
The most recent edition of the Connecticut Bar Journal was published earlier this month. Sarah E. Murray, one of the partners at Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC, has presided over the Journal as Editor-in-Chief since January 2017. Members can access the full...
What State Has Jurisdiction over Custody of My Children? Part II
The previous post in this series discussed the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act (“UCCJEA”) and this post will continue with the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act (“PKPA”). PART II – PKPA The PKPA, codified at 28 U.S.C. §1738A, which was signed into...
Attorney Carole T. Orland quoted in Westport Magazine, September 2017
Attorney Carole Topol Orland was quoted in the September-October 2017 issue of Westport Magazine in an article entitled "Divorce" by Timothy Dumas. The article featured several other renowned attorneys from Fairfield County. Read Article
Appeals in Connecticut Family Law Cases
Every Connecticut litigant has the right to appeal a final judgment entered by a trial court. In divorce cases, these appeals often arise after the trial court enters financial orders, but, on occasion, there may be sufficient cause to appeal a trial court’s orders...
What is a Guardian ad Litem?
A Guardian ad Litem, often referred to as “GAL,” is an individual appointed by the Court to ensure that the minor child’s best interests are represented during a parenting or custody dispute. Not every divorce case or custody dispute requires the appointment of a...
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