Sean Callanan News

Who Pays the Legal Fees in a Connecticut Divorce Case?

What is Connecticut’s Law regarding Payment of Legal Fees in a Divorce? It is typical for people in Westport, Greenwich, and Stamford who are contemplating divorce to have questions regarding how legal fees will be paid. Fairfield County divorce litigants want to know...

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Tips for a Successful Connecticut Divorce Mediation

Mediation is a voluntary dispute resolution method that may be used in divorce cases either at the outset of a case or at any stage of a case prior to trial.  A divorce mediator is a trained neutral who works directly with the parties to reach agreement. Divorcing...

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Arbitration in a Connecticut Divorce

Before 2021, Connecticut law prohibited the arbitration of child custody and visitation or child support issues. As a result, arbitration was generally only available to parties to a divorce or other family relations matter to resolve financial issues such as alimony,...

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E-mail and Computer Hacking in a Connecticut Divorce

Can I Access my Spouse’s E-mails, Phones, or Computers? The short answer is no, unless you received explicit authorization to do so or maintain a shared account.  An example of a shared account could be a family cloud account, e-mail account, calendar, computer, or...

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