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Getting Divorced in Connecticut when there is a closely-held business

Many divorce cases in Fairfield County involve parties who own and operate their own businesses, including law or medical practices, small businesses, and family businesses.  Parties living in Westport and Greenwich often want to know what will happen to the business in the event of divorce: Will the non-participating spouse get an ownership interest in the business?  Will the business have to be sold? 

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What to expect at trial

Most cases are settled before they reach a final trial, and for good reason. Trials are emotional, unpredictable and costly. However, sometimes a settlement simply cannot be reached despite the efforts of the parties and their attorneys. If your case does not settle,...

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Does it matter who files first for divorce?

Divorce lawyers in towns such as Darien and New Canaan are often asked, “Does it matter who files first for divorce?” The short answer is, “It depends.” The Court draws no inference that because the Wife files that the Husband is a bad actor or vice versa. Most cases...

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What is a financial affidavit?

One of the most important documents during a dissolution proceeding is a Financial Affidavit. A Financial Affidavit is a sworn statement that the Court requires both parties to complete within thirty days of the Return Date. The Return Date is the date by which the...

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Does Connecticut Recognize “Separate Property?”

One of the most common inquiries that we receive from potential clients in Greenwich, Westport and other towns throughout Fairfield County, is whether or not, upon divorce, their spouse will be entitled to share in certain assets that he or she may perceive to be...

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Shared Physical Custody, Split Custody & Child Support

In our practice at Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie, LLC, we are often asked the following questions: If my spouse and I share physical custody of our children, do I still have to pay child support?; and Can my spouse get out of paying child support by requesting...

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Modification of Alimony Post-Judgment in Connecticut

By: Sarah E. Murray Fairfield County Family Courts have a significant number of post-judgment cases, many of them involving the modification of alimony after a divorce. Modification of alimony post-judgment is a common issue that arises for people living in towns like...

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