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About Westport Litigation Lawyers
The word litigation has negative connotations among many individuals and family attorneys. There are times, however, when litigation is the only possible way to resolve the various aspects of a divorce, custody determination or another family law issue. For example, when the parties have dramatically different views of a situation and there may be little room to negotiate, mediation or collaboration is unlikely to have the desired impact. How ever your divorce or family matter is eventually resolved, working with experienced, attentive legal counsel is of the utmost importance.
At Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC, our Westport and Greenwich divorce attorneys are not process-oriented. Rather, we are results-oriented. If after examining the facts of your case, your objectives and your spouse’s objectives, we believe that litigation is the best means of dispute resolution, we will advise you of this fact.
Offering Flexible, Versatile Representation In Litigation
Many believe that litigation and contentiousness go hand in hand. This cannot be further from the truth. Even if parties to a dispute have vastly different views, the parties can be respectful of their differences and cooperative throughout the process. Further, parties to a divorce can utilize different types of dispute resolution within a single case. For instance, parties can mediate or collaborate on certain issues while litigating other issues.
At Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC, our lawyers are geared toward accomplishing our clients’ goals through any of these means and remaining flexible throughout the case to achieve optimal results. We are always willing to adapt our approach to what will best suit our clients’ needs.
Contact Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC
Call 203-222-4949 or complete our online contact form to schedule a consultation.
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