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connecticut divorce News

Filing for Divorce in Connecticut

This Week's Blog by Eric J. Broder Who is the Plaintiff in a Divorce Action? In a divorce, the Plaintiff is the person who initiates or files an action for divorce against his or her spouse. In order to commence an action for divorce in Connecticut, the party...

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How Do I Move My Divorce Case Along?

This Week's Blog by Carole T. Orland Delays may be caused by the Court system. Opposing counsel may not work at the same pace as our firm, for a variety of reasons. Spouses may have strategic reasons to delay. Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC, with its large staff...

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The Connecticut Divorce: What is Family Relations?

This Week's Blog by Christopher J. DeMattie Family Relations offers a wide variety of services to help resolve parenting, custody, and financial disputes in divorce and post-judgment actions. Depending on the service recommended, you can expect to meet with a Family...

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Is it Legal to Record Conversations in Connecticut?

There is a difference between recording in-person conversations and recording phone conversations. Clients often think that recordings will provide helpful evidence in a divorce proceeding. This is usually true only in extreme circumstances (such as abuse or serious...

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Is My Connecticut Divorce Case Public?

Except in very limited circumstances, Connecticut divorce cases are public. The pleadings and documents filed with the Court during your divorce will almost always remain in a file which can be reviewed by the public. Hearings and Trials are open to the public. It is...

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Common Myths With Respect to Child Support In Connecticut

This Week's Blog by Sarah E. Murray Myth #1: There is no child support awarded in cases where parenting time is shared equally or nearly equally Myth #2: Child support is meant to cover all of the costs of raising a child Myth #3: Child support is paid until the...

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