This Week's Blog by Eric J. Broder What is a Guardian Ad Litem in a Connecticut Divorce Case? In the event that the parties cannot reach a resolution on parenting or custodial matters, a Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) is often appointed by the Court, either directly by the...
custody News
What is Legal Separation in Connecticut?
What is Legal Separation? Legal Separation is a lawsuit that is commenced by one spouse against the other, resulting in an enforceable court order that resolves issues such as custody, division of assets and liabilities and the payment of alimony and/or child support....
What is the Parenting Education Program?
This Week's Blog by Jaime S. Dursht It is a mandatory course for any parent going through divorce with minor children. The purpose is to educate parents about the impact of divorce on children. The course duration is six hours and can be completed in two 3-hour...
What is the Significance of the Case Management Agreement in a Connecticut Divorce?
This Week's Blog by Sarah E. Murray The Case Management Agreement is a document that must be filed in every Connecticut divorce case. The Case Management Agreement includes important dates for your case, but these dates are not set in stone. You and your spouse can...
What Will My Divorce Cost?
This Week's Blog by Carole T. Orland The complexity of your case is a cost factor but the size of the marital estate may not be a major factor. Cost may depend on opposing counsel. Retainers and hourly rates aren’t always indicators of projected costs. You can...
Modifying an Existing Custody Order during and/or after a Divorce Proceeding
Once the court enters an order of custody, a parent always has the legal right to return to court to seek to modify the original parenting plan. Contested custody proceedings, including modification proceedings, can present some of the most challenging and...
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