This Week's Blog by Westport divorce lawyer Jaime S. Dursht CAN I GET DIVORCED ONLINE WITHOUT GOING TO COURT IN CONNECTICUT? Yes, the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch has announced that uncontested divorces will be permitted remotely, without the requirement of...
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Greenwich Divorce News
Connecticut Divorce Location
This Week's Blog by Christopher J. DeMattie. Where can I file my Connecticut Divorce? Generally, the town where you reside in Connecticut will dictate in which Judicial District you will file your divorce case. Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes § 51-345, if...
How are Same-Sex Divorces Handled in Connecticut?
Same-sex divorce in Connecticut is governed by the same Family Law statutes as heterosexual divorce, however, there are particular issues that should be analyzed at the outset of the process to ensure a successful outcome. Connecticut legally recognized same-sex...
What should I do if I am thinking about divorce? You should do some soul searching if you haven’t already. Reflect on what is happening in your relationship and whether there is any hope of repairing it. Seek marriage counseling or couples therapy to get support or...
What Happens at a Preargument Conference in a Connecticut Family Law Appeal?
This Week's Blog by Sarah E. Murray. What is a Preargument Conference? In most appeals of civil cases in Connecticut, including family law and divorce cases, a Preargument Conference is required prior to the appeal progressing to the briefing and oral argument stages....
Why Taking Divorce Advice From Friends Can Be Dangerous
Scared. Lonely. Angry. Sad. Vulnerable. Just a few of the emotions that you may feel when you are going through a divorce. It is no wonder that our clients often look to friends and family, especially those who have also been divorced, to provide comfort and support...
“Double Dipping” Considerations in a Divorce When a Business Interest is at Issue
In some divorce cases, a business (or an interest in a business) that is owned by one spouse, and from which he or she receives income, also constitutes an asset to which a value must be ascribed so that the asset can be distributed between the parties in some manner...
A Secret from a Seasoned Divorce Attorney…
This Week's Blog by Carole T. Orland. What Might I Not Learn from my Friends About Divorce? The dirty little secret in divorce cases is that the parameters of the likely outcome are relatively narrow. Connecticut is not a community property state where martial assets...
What are the Top Five Mistakes to Avoid in a Connecticut Divorce?
This Week's Blog by Jaime S. Dursht Avoid These 5 Mistakes in a Connecticut Divorce? The divorce process is fraught with emotion which can lead to making mistakes with long-term effects. Each divorce is different, however, here are some common mistakes we divorce...
What is a Discovery Special Master (DSM)?
This Week's Blog by Carole T. Orland The Court may appoint a DSM in your divorce case to resolve discovery disputes. Discovery may include production of documents, written responses to questions, and/or Deposition testimony. Utilizing a DSM often saves the parties...
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