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guardian ad litem News

The Financial Cost of Divorce

This Week's Blog by Carole T. Orland What will my Divorce Cost? The short answer is that it is hard to know at the outset what a divorce will eventually cost.  Since virtually all divorce lawyers in Connecticut bill on an hourly rate, the cost is a function of time...

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Divorce in Connecticut: The Guardian Ad Litem (GAL)

This Week's Blog by Eric J. Broder What is a Guardian Ad Litem in a Connecticut Divorce Case? In the event that the parties cannot reach a resolution on parenting or custodial matters, a Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) is often appointed by the Court, either directly by the...

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Children and Custody Disputes: Do My Child’s Wishes Matter?

Must a Judge Consider My Child’s Wishes in a Custody Dispute? No.  It is a common misconception that Judges must consider a child’s preferences in making determinations regarding a child’s custodial arrangement. In fact, the only factor that a Judge must consider in...

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Do My Child’s Wishes Matter in a Custody Dispute?

In adjudicating custody and parenting time disputes, Courts are required to give consideration to a child’s wishes only in instances where a child is, “of sufficient age and capable of forming an intelligent preference.” There is no fixed age at which a child’s wishes...

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What is a Guardian ad Litem?

A Guardian ad Litem, often referred to as “GAL,” is an individual appointed by the Court to ensure that the minor child’s best interests are represented during a parenting or custody dispute. Not every divorce case or custody dispute requires the appointment of a...

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