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Imputing Income for Child Support Purposes

How is Child Support Generally Determined in Connecticut? In Connecticut, the amount of a non-custodial parent’s child support obligation to a custodial parent is directly tied to the respective incomes of both parents. Pursuant to the Connecticut Child Support...

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How Do I Stop or Slow Down My Divorce?

This Week's Blog by Jaime S. Dursht There are instances where one spouse decides to file for divorce while the other spouse strongly desires to salvage the marriage. Sometimes the legal process is well under way when one or both parties suddenly decide to explore the...

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Substance Abuse and Parenting During a Divorce

Substance abuse can create issues for many families and can play a significant role in a large number of divorce cases, especially those where there are minor children. At Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC we have experience in handling divorce cases involving this...

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For most people, deciding to get divorced is not a snap decision. It often comes after many years of pain and turmoil in a marriage. Therefore, there should be sufficient time to prepare for divorce as it is critical to ensuring that the process goes as efficiently as...

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Often clients come into our office asking about the difference between obtaining a legal separation and obtaining a dissolution of marriage, the term used in Connecticut for a divorce. The common misconception is that a legal separation can be obtained more quickly,...

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