This Week's Blog by Nicole M. DiGiose Can I Change the Locks of the Marital Residence When I Start a Divorce? Generally, no. Once a dissolution of marriage action is commenced, the Automatic Orders go into effect. Paragraph B(8) of the Automatic Orders prohibits...
Divorce News
How are Social Security Benefits Treated in a Connecticut Divorce Case?
This Week's Blog by Jaime S. Dursht Social Security benefits are not considered a marital asset and are therefore not subject to division in a Connecticut marital dissolution action. Are Social Security Benefits an Asset of the Marriage Subject to Division? Future...
How to Catch a Cheater
This Week's Blog by Christopher J. DeMattie As technology rapidly advances, more and more of our daily activities are uploaded to our many electronic devices. Information is becoming more permanent, and the electronic trail left behind is growing. It is extremely...
What Should I Expect at my Initial Divorce Consultation in Connecticut?
This Week's Blog by Sarah E. Murray What is the Purpose of the Initial Divorce Consultation? After having made the difficult decision to contact an attorney regarding divorce and after making an appointment to meet with him or her, it is natural to feel apprehensive...
Living Arrangements During a Divorce: Who Stays in the House?
Connecticut law protects each party’s right to live in the martial home during a divorce. You cannot deny your spouse continued use of the marital home without an agreement or Court order. The Court has the authority to give exclusive use of the marital home to either...
Can I Date While Going Through My Divorce?
This Week's Blog by Eric J. Broder Is a Person Allowed to Date While Going through a Divorce? Yes. There is no restriction against dating. In fact, it can often relieve the daily stress of the divorce process. However, as explained below, there are some important...
The Financial Cost of Divorce
This Week's Blog by Carole T. Orland What will my Divorce Cost? The short answer is that it is hard to know at the outset what a divorce will eventually cost. Since virtually all divorce lawyers in Connecticut bill on an hourly rate, the cost is a function of time...
What is an Educational Support Order?
This Week's Blog by Nicole M. DiGiose Does the Court have the Authority to Order a Party to Contribute to a Child’s College Expenses? Yes. Pursuant to General Statutes Section 46b-56c(a), the Court has jurisdiction to enter an order requiring one or both parents to...
Should I Hire a Private Investigator for my Connecticut Divorce?
This Week's Blog by Jaime S. Dursht Private investigation of issues in a high conflict divorce can be extremely helpful and an efficient method of fact gathering prior to and during a divorce, as well as post-dissolution. How Can I Locate Hidden Assets? A private...
Grounds for Divorce in Connecticut
This Week's Blog by Christopher J. DeMattie What are the Grounds for Divorce in Connecticut? To commence a divorce action in Connecticut, the Plaintiff must plead a statutory approved ground for seeking the divorce. You cannot simply plead: “I do not want to be...
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