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How And When Are Experts Used In A Divorce Case?

  During your divorce case, there may be circumstances in which experts are summoned to shed light on complex matters. Whether it be real estate appraisers, financial experts, and more, these individuals can be incredibly beneficial to the court. In our latest...

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Can I Date During a Connecticut Divorce?

  During the divorce process, many individuals wonder whether or not they will be allowed to date and, if so, how dating might affect the overall outcome of their case. Connecticut has no rules stating that parties to a divorce cannot date during proceedings....

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Is a Lump Sum Payment in a Divorce Settlement Taxable?

Lump sum payments in a divorce settlement are somewhat common, whether made to satisfy an award of alimony or when dividing certain types of property. Generally, lump sum transfers between former spouses made pursuant to a divorce decree are not taxable. However,...

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What Counts as Marital Property?

A key issue in every divorce is determining how to divide marital property. Connecticut has a broad definition of what counts as marital property that encompasses just about everything a couple owns together or separately. That property is subject to equitable...

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The Implications of a High Net Worth Divorce

When high net worth couples divorce, they are subject to the same laws that apply to any other couple. However, the nature of their income and assets can add complexity to the case. Diverse compensation structures and difficult-to-value assets require special...

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When Can a Court Impute Income in a Divorce?

When a Court determines alimony and/or child support in a divorce proceeding, it considers both parties’ income and other factors. If a party has consistent income before and after the divorce, determining alimony and/or child support is fairly straightforward. A...

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Can I Empty My Bank Account Before a Divorce?

In some marriages, there may be a good reason for a spouse to worry about losing access to money during a divorce because the other side has or will take control of the couple's shared finances. If you are anticipating divorce and have such concerns, you may be...

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