Why Are Bill and Melinda Gates Divorcing? | Carole Topol Orland, Esq. https://westportmoms.com/why-are-bill-and-melinda-divorcing/
Sean Callanan News
Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC Sponsors BOOKED for the evening
Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie, LLC, sponsors have been booked for the evening. The sponsors are involved in a benefit for the Westport Library honoring Itzhak Perlman. Itzhak Perlman - The Westport Library
Bitcoins and Cryptocurrencies: What to know before and during your Connecticut divorce
Just as Zoom has become a word to describe all video conferences, Bitcoin has become the term to describe all cryptocurrencies. Previously individuals came to our office concerned their spouse was hiding assets in a Swiss or offshore bank account. With...
Carole Orland Featured on Westportmoms.com Blog!
Our very own Carole Orland was recently featured on the westportmoms.com blog! Check out the feature here: https://westportmoms.com/meet-carole/
Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC has the most lawyers named to Moffly Media’s 2021 “Top Lawyers in Fairfield County” List for Family Law
We are pleased to announce that Attorneys Eric Broder, Carole Orland, Sarah Murray, Christopher DeMattie, Jaime Dursht, and Nicole DiGiose have been named to Moffly Media's 2021 "Top Lawyers in Fairfield County" list. Moffly Media publishes six magazines including,...
What Is The Order Of Pleadings In A Connecticut Divorce?
Pursuant to Connecticut Practice Book § 25-11, the order of pleadings in a connection divorce action is (a) Plaintiff's Complaint, (b) Defendant's Motion to Dismiss the Complaint, (c) Defendant's Motion to Strike the Complaint of Claims for Relief, (d) Defendant's...
Eric Broder is Featured in The Divorce and Beyond Podcast with Susan Guthrie, Esq.
Listen now on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5vQ7XTwVMvD18xeCUeqM4x?si=wXOyt0iIQmya3l05otgVFg
Getting Divorced During COVID
It is possible to initiate, work through, and finalize a divorce during COVID. And you will not even have to go to Court. Our office is handling these cases regularly and with positive results. In some instances, the parties were already contemplating divorce before...
Eric Broder and Carole Orland featured in Westport Lifestyle Magazine
Eric J. Broder and Carole Topol Orland were featured in Westport Lifestyle Magazine (Jan. ’21) in an article entitled Healthy Divorce in Unhealthy Times. Their expert advice and insight included the following: “Try really hard to come to a solution sooner than later...
Extended Engagement Due To COVID-19? Consider A Prenuptial Agreement.
COVID-19 has resulted in the postponement of weddings that were planned months and years in advance, which will now have to be rescheduled due to travel bans and restrictions on groups. Engagements are now prolonged, perhaps indefinitely, due to this global pandemic....
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