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How to Avoid Problems When Using Dating Apps While Divorcing

February 8, 2023

Some people going through a divorce often feel ready to date before their divorce is final. That is easier to do than ever before thanks to dating apps. However, before you start dating, it is important to understand how it could affect your divorce case. To avoid problems when using dating apps while divorcing, it is best to consider the following issues:

Can You Use Dating Apps During Your Divorce?

You are allowed to date after the commencement of your divorce proceeding, so there is no prohibition on using a dating app. However, there are some common problem areas that could arise after you start dating that you should know as discussed further below. 

When Can You Start Dating?

You should not date before you or your spouse file for divorce to minimize the risk that your new relationship could adversely affect your divorce case. Importantly, “fault” is a consideration in awarding alimony and dividing assets and liabilities in a divorce in Connecticut. Therefore, if you begin dating before filing for divorce, you risk your spouse trying to claim you were unfaithful and at fault for the breakdown of the marriage in the divorce. 

Can You Give Gifts to the Person You Are Dating?

Money or gifts given to your new boyfriend/girlfriend during divorce could be considered dissipation of marital assets and allow the other party to receive a credit for such expenditure(s) when the divorce is finalized. However, whether it constitutes dissipation depends on the circumstances. 

Both spouses have the right to obtain information about each other, especially financial, but occasionally other information such as social media accounts, and possibly text and email messages become relevant.  Therefore, your spouse will see what, if any, gifts were given or other expenditures were made.    

What Other Problems Can Arise When Dating During Your Divorce?

If your spouse can demonstrate to a judge that there are legitimate concerns about the dissipation of assets or fault in the divorce, the person you are dating could be subpoenaed to testify in a Deposition, Hearing, or Trial  in your divorce.

You should also consider the impact of dating on children. It is recommended that you avoid introducing a person you are dating to your children without your spouse’s consent or guidance from a therapist. Divorce is a stressful experience for children and it’s best to get professional advice before talking with them.

Finally, dating prior to finalizing your divorce can potentially result in more conflicts with your spouse. He or she may become jealous or upset about your dating and prolong the divorce proceedings.

If you are considering divorce, working with an experienced divorce lawyer can make a significant difference in your case. Our attorneys are skilled at negotiating and advocating for your rights and can advise you regarding a wide range of issues, including dating during a divorce. Contact us for a consultation to learn how we can help you.

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