Home » Back to School Time! Avoid Child Custody Issues With These Tips

Back to School Time! Avoid Child Custody Issues With These Tips

April 14, 2017

A new school year is almost here for many Connecticut children. Children face a variety of emotions as they meet new teachers, visit with old friends and learn new subjects. These feelings can be compounded if they recently experienced their parents’ divorce. As they are shuttled back and forth between parents, they may feel overwhelmed with new routines. Parents may feel ill at ease as well as they try to coordinate schedules and determine what to do should issues arise during the school day. Fortunately, there are some ways to increase the chance of a smooth transition and reduce the possibility of child custody issues.

Most importantly, parents should make sure children understand their daily routines. Where should they go after school? If they are attending an after school activity, what time will they be picked up? Who will make sure homework is completed? Both parents should coordinate schedules and ensure that children are aware of the schedule and any changes.


School requires supplies, whether it be a new backpack, lunch box, binder, pencils and clothes. Parents should ensure the other party is aware of what is required. Not only will the noncustodial parent be required to pay back these expenses, but he or she may want to be involved in the shopping aspect as well.

Last, but not least, divorced couples should attempt to act civilly. Ideally, both parents should be involved in their children’s lives and this can be challenging if Mom and Dad are yelling at each other or withholding information. While both parents should be informed about their children’s progress, they should not make their children’s school a battleground.

Child custody disagreements often arise over school issues. However, it is important for parents to act in a mature manner and focus on the best interests of the child.

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