Home » Can I use Connecticut alternative dispute resolution in divorce?

Can I use Connecticut alternative dispute resolution in divorce?

April 13, 2017

Connecticut couples who have gone through the divorce process know that it is not easy. Between splitting assets and determining child custody, there is so much emotional stress involved. Most couples want to avoid the nasty courtroom battles they see on TV and instead resolve issues as quickly and easily as possible. This is possible with alternative dispute resolution.

Most divorces are actuality resolved outside of the courtroom. Each party agrees on a settlement through negotiations done through collaboration, mediation and arbitration. Mediation is especially popular, with lawyers aiding their clients in reaching favorable settlements outside of court.

Mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution allow couples to work together to resolve issues. This may or may not be a good thing, depending on the couple’s relationship. If they are no longer on speaking terms, then it may not help much. Couples who are still cordial, however, can reap the benefits of negotiation on their own terms, without a judge’s input.

It is important to know that the court will likely need to approve any settlement made outside of the courtroom. In addition, each state has its own set of laws that apply to divorce cases.

Alternative dispute resolution is a way to settle divorce issues easier, quicker and cheaper than litigation. It has many benefits and can help most couples resolve issues and move on with their lives. Although it is commonly used, it may not work well for all divorcing couples. It is beneficial for couples to look into their options and find one that works the best based on their unique situation.

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