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Divorce guilt could harm your finances

April 14, 2017

If you are a Connecticut resident going through divorce, you may feel a fair amount of guilt. This is especially true if you were the spouse who left the marriage, or if you feel at fault for the breakup. Experts in the field say this feeling of guilt could be detrimental to your financial future, however, if you allow that emotion to get in the way of fair property division.

Countless stories exist of non-custodial spouses who find themselves paying unreasonable amounts in child and spousal support, for example. Perhaps you feel responsible for most of the conflict that occurred during the divorce. No matter your emotional response to the breakup, though, you cannot allow your feelings to detract from your financial future. Exorbitant support payments may seem to make up for your behavior at the time, but they are almost always unsustainable and can lead to real financial trouble down the road.

The primary income earner is almost always the spouse who is most affected by this kind of remorse, which can lead to extraordinary financial compromises. Imagine the situation facing the man who agreed to pay more than half of his annual income, not toward his wife, but toward her six cats! That man eventually was able to enlist the help of a qualified attorney to overturn the untenable financial decisions he made during an overly emotional time.

Financial gurus say you should consider your own needs first when entering property division negotiations. Although both parties will have to make compromises, you do not have to sacrifice your financial security to guarantee a posh standard of living for your ex – or your ex’s pets. If you are fighting against debtors, credit card companies and tax collectors because you are unable to pay support, consider seeking the help of a qualified family attorney. These professionals can help you learn more about your rights and responsibilities in court, giving you the ability to change unreasonable decisions that could damage your financial future.

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