Home » Carole T. Orland Quoted in the Connecticut Law Tribune, September 2018

Carole T. Orland Quoted in the Connecticut Law Tribune, September 2018

September 14, 2018

Have you ever wondered how attorneys deal with the trials and tribulations of the job? The Connecticut Law Tribune set to find out in a recent article titled “Stress Kills: Finding Balance in an Often Thankless Profession.” Several prominent attorneys across the state were contacted for comment, including one of Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC’s founding partners, Carole Topol Orland:

Carole Topol Orland of Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie [LLC] in Westport reasoned that areas such as family law are often filled with highly charged emotions, and lawyers need to be prepared to face that environment. “Yes, stress is a normal part of our profession,” she said. “Having practiced for over 40 years, I have learned to cope by focusing on positive solutions rather than allowing myself to get mired down in stressful situations. I am also most fortunate to have an office of supportive attorneys and staff on whom I can draw when things get rough. We find humor to be a great antidote.

Read the full article, published on September 13, on the official website of the Connecticut Law Tribune.

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