Christopher J. DeMattie, of the Broder Orland Murray & DeMattie LLC, law office in Greenwich and Westport, a divorce and family law practice, said the firm remains committed to working diligently by whatever means necessary.
We continue to work effortlessly to protect our clients and to advance their case during these unusual times, while taking all recommended precautions.
Our lawyers are working from remote locations, in most cases at home.
Our firm adapted to remote capabilities years ago and have since emphasized a paperless practice. While we miss the collegiality of being in one place with our team, we are in regular contact through email, texting, and telephone.
We are conducting virtual consultations and meetings with clients and colleagues. We are confident our clients and practice will weather this unprecedented situation and expect it will create a wave of business once the current situation resolves itself, as it will require review and adjustments for parenting and financial matters.
It is a different dynamic but thanks to technology, it is running very smoothly.